Homework Policy

Students will receive homework Monday through Thursday. All homework will be posted on Google Classroom. The purpose of homework is to extend and reinforce learned skills and concepts. It is also to develop the sense of self-discipline, personal responsibility, and independent thinking. Homework are for the students and students should complete their homework independently. This helps the teacher diagnose where the student misconception lies. 


Independent reading will be assigned daily. Below is a chart of the suggested reading time for students by grade each night. Students will have to submit a reading log each Monday



Grade 1

Grades 2-3

Grades 4-5



15-20 minutes

30-40 minutes

40-50 minutes


20-25 minutes

40-50 minutes

50-70 minutes


25-30  minutes

50-60 minutes

70-90 minutes


Students will receive math and science homework as well. This homework may be in the form of a project task, computation task, or a written task.