Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

In response to Chancellor’s regulation A-413, which governs the use of cell phones, computing devices and portable music and entertainment systems on school property, Jamaica Children's Magnet School has opted for a school-based policy for the use of such devices on school property.  A-413 provides as follows:  Students are permitted to bring the following electronic items to school:  cell phones, laptops, tablets, iPads and other similar computing devices, portable music and entertainment systems.


Jamaica Children's Magnet School's Policy:


The use of cell phones, computing devices, portable music and entertainment systems, and other electronic devices is prohibited in school unless a teacher requires their use during instruction.  Students may bring these devices to school as long as they are turned off and in their bookbags. 


  • Cell phones, computing devices, portable music and entertainment systems, and other electronic devices may not be turned on, seen or used at any time in school: including the bathrooms, cafeteria, recess, stairwells, during dismissal until students have exited the building, or during any fire drills or other emergency preparedness drills or actual emergencies.  


  • Cell phones, computing devices, portable music and entertainment systems, and other electronic devices may not be turned on, seen or used during the administration of any school examination, except where such use has been explicitly authorized by the school or is contained in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plan.  


If these rules are violated, items will be confiscated and returned to the Parent/Guardian ONLY. Parents/Guardians will be notified to come pick up items.  


Students who use cell phones, computing devices, portable music and entertainment systems and/or any other electronic device in violation of any provision of the DOE’s Discipline Code, The School Cell Phone Policy, Chancellor’s Regulation A-413 and/or the DOE’s Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy will be subject to discipline in accordance with the guidance interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the Discipline Code.     


Students should NOT use personal cell phones to contact their parents during the school day.  If the student is sick they should go to the nurse's office where she will contact the parent.  If the student is to be sent home, they must use the telephone in the main office to contact a parent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


If a student chooses to bring cell phones, computing devices, portable music and entertainment systems and/or other electronic devices to school they do so at their own risk.  The school will not be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.


Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that this policy is followed.