Blue Emergency Cards
Emergency Contact Cards are to be updated YEARLY.
It is extremely important that the school has the current, correct information for contacting parents and family members. It is the responsibility of student's family to see that the Emergency Contact Card, which is kept on file in the main office, is completely filled out and up to date. The best and fastest way to update your contact information is to log into your NYCSA account. You may also notify the Main Office in writing of any changes. If you need assistance creating your NYCSA account, please reach out to the Parent Coordinator.
If your child becomes ill or it is necessary to close school early due to an unforeseen emergency, we will use the Blue Emergency Card contact information to contact you. Please Be sure that the adults you list on the Emergency Card know that they have been listed.
If there is a significant change (i.e. an address or name change) please contact the Main Office at 718-526-0160 to have this information updated in the system. You will need to bring in proof of address for any address changes.
In addition to emergency to collecting Blue Emergency Cards, we ask that you submit the following Google Form, so that we may have all of your contacts electronically.